[V3] Errors with cert-issuer on Docker

I was able to solve my own problem.
It seems that for the bitcoin configurations to work, you need to add a [regtest] to the top of the bitcoin.conf. That will fix the error.

The change is in the Dockerfile

$‘rpcuser=foo\nrpcpassword=bar\nrpcport=8332\nregtest=1\nrelaypriority=0\nrpcallowip=\nrpcconnect=\n’ > /root/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf \


$‘[regtest]\nrpcuser=foo\nrpcpassword=bar\nrpcport=8332\nregtest=1\nrelaypriority=0\nrpcallowip=\nrpcconnect=\n’ > /root/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf \

I’ve also sent a Pull Request with the fix