Tool for mailing out certificates and add issuer introductions

For a while we’ve been using a combination of Google Forms and manual authoring to send our small sets of certificates and add-issuer emails. Over the last couple days I’ve written a tool to use sendgrid and csvs to build templates we can send to distribution lists. Check it out at


Hi Stuart, Congrats for your cert-mailer, it’s very helpful. I have a question with the distribution list, can you explain me in details the parameters that I need in the csvs. Thank you so much!

You can put whatever needs to change in each email into the csvs along with nonce (for introduction emails), filename (for cert emails) and email for each user, so if your cert_email_body is something like:

<p>Dear $first_name</p><p>We would like to recognize your achievement
in $program with a Blockcerts digital credential. You can import your Blockcert
in two ways:</p><ul><li>If you’re reading this email on your mobile device,
<a clicktracking="off" href="$cert_url">Click this link to add your credential to your
Blockcerts wallet</a>.</li><li>If you’re reading this email on your desktop, scan the
QR code below using your mobile device.</li></ul>$qrcode

You’ll need the csv to have something like:

123abc.json,Stuart,Underwater Basket Weaving,