I have a question; Could Blockcerts be used to create a “Partners Pact” of a Startup?. In that document the constitution and clauses of the company would be established, with the percentages of shares that would correspond to each partner.
Would it also be possible to update that “Partners Pact” or replace it with a new one, in case of incorporating new partners or investors?
You might consider tokenizing the partnership as an asset with Ravencoin. First create a parent or “Admin” token and assign 100 subassets. An IPFS file can be stored on blockchain with the Admin token. In your case a company charter or constitution etc. The subassets can be distributed to the partners relative to their ownership. Sub assets can be recreated and permissions/restrictions can be placed on them. When new investors come in the holder of the Admin token can issue a new sub asset class or issue more of the initial subasset. There is alot of utility associated with Ravencoin. Its also an open source project with an active Dev community. www.ravencoin.com