Not enough satoshis? [SOLVED]


I’m getting the following error when trying to use the “” script in Testnet mode.

I do have enough test bitcoins in my address.
Actually I modified the bitcoin.conf and the conf.ini in the Docker container to run in Testnet mode exactly as I have them in my computer, and it worked. But for some reason, when running outside the container I get that error.

I’ve checked dependencies and seem to have all of them.

Any ideas on this?



I created a new receiving address on my Bitcoin Core wallet. Then, sent some TBTCs to that address and used it as my issuing address. Previously I was using an address generated somewhere else, the problem I think was that that address was not linked with my Bitcoin Core wallet.

That solved the issue.


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hi @Gabalo

Where do I need to create or place the Bitcoin.conf in the docker image to run the cert-issuer on Testnet, im having a hard time achieving this. So far ive tried doing thins inside the docker, or outside de docker.
Inside the docker, it always runs the bitcoin regtest chain, and Ive managed to issue certificates there.
Outside the docker, Im getting the “Not enough Satoshis” error when trying to conect to my bitcoin client already installed.
Thanks in advance!