Hi there, this is my first post, I’m Alessandro from Italy.
Past Saturday in Milan there was an hackathon: “Bitcoin - building layer2 applications that matter”[0].
The hackathon was organized from two startups specialized in trasparency, notarization, smart contracts and Bitcoin blockchain:
blockchainlab.it was the venue of the hackathon.
The two team that I mention in the topic title are: BLAST and Growing a bit
BLAST propose “Blockchain Assisted Transparency” - GitHub[1]
You can find their pitch on YouTube at 30m and 18s of the stream.
One of the member of BLAST is Alessandro Gattolin[2], they win the hackathon, congrats!
Growing a bit propose “High school grades timestamping & scholarships smart contract” - GitHub[3] & Slides[4]
This project background start with a Medium story[5].
During the hackathon I propose a mashup of TXs OP_RETURN, IPFS, Blockcerts and Open Badges.
You can find my pitch on YouTube at 45m and 21s of the stream.
In Florence I’m in contact with two high schools that want to start testing Growing a bit, we plan to start the pilot fall this year on two classroom, ~30 students between 15-17 years old.
That’s it!
Sorry but the YouTube stream actually don’t have english subtitles, we will update it soon.
Thank you for your time, I update the topic with news when I have it
[0] eventbrite.com/e/bitcoin-building-layer2-applications-that-matter-tickets-33392316317
[1] github.com/daniele-moro/BLAST
[2] twitter.com/alegatto93
[3] github.com/alessandro-aglietti/bitcoin-hackathon-may-2017-blockchainlab
[4] docs.google.com/presentation/d/1K4PeBZn4Qaq9dkZGS6f0cjRcz14xeW9XyZJ3145qFSQ/edit
[5] tail.aqquadro.it/proof-of-knowledge-efc138f2a17c
edit - the two links limit for new user post is very bad!