Difference between Certificates and Badges

Hi, I’m just getting acquainted with Blockcerts, and I’ve noticed that Blockcerts mentions certificates and badges.

What is the difference between the two?
(In terms of usage and JSON structure – examples are very welcome)

The README file here says that it has an example of a certificate, but the structure seems to follow the Open Badges structure. Is one a subset of the other?

Moreover: From what I understand of this forum post, only badges are supported at the moment, but work is in progress to support the verifiable claims data model.

Does this mean that badges will be replaced with verifiable claims in the future, or will both be supported?


That’s correct. Blockcerts will be shifting to the Verifiable Claims data model in the future, which is generally much more flexible and remains inclusive of badges, should that particular schema be desired. The benefit of Verifiable Claims is that a wide range of data schemas can be supported.

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Thank you for the info!

Just to be sure I understand, badges will still be supported, but they will be implemented “inside” verifiable claims?