Blockcerts issued on Ethereum network

Hello! Can anyone provide me with an example of a Blockcert issued on the Ethereum network? Looking for references to use for a prospective project. I am only seeing certs issued on Bitcoin. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Here a v2 example: cert-verifier-js/ethereum-main-valid-2.0.json at master · blockchain-certificates/cert-verifier-js · GitHub

it looks like this beta v3 was also issued on ethereum testnet: cert-verifier-js/blockcerts-3.0-beta-did-ethereum-ropsten.json at master · blockchain-certificates/cert-verifier-js · GitHub

All in all, there will be no difference in the content of the cert, just in the signature data (which is even less transparent in v3). It’s all about configuring cert-issuer for ETH issuance.

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Okay, I will take a look. Thank you so much!