Caught exception trying provider <bound method BlockrIOBroadcaster.broadcast_tx of <cert_issuer.blockchain_handlers.bitcoin.connectors.BlockrIOBroadcaster object at 0x7fb18df67dd8>>

I have created a working container with my pk and issue address and now when i want to run ```
cert-issuer -c /etc/cert-issuer/conf.ini it was working some days ago

I get this errror

WARNING - Caught exception trying provider <bound method BlockrIOBroadcaster.broadcast_tx of <cert_issuer.blockchain_handlers.bitcoin.connectors.BlockrIOBroadcaster object at 0x7f216b811da0>>. Trying another. Exception=Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
WARNING - Caught exception trying provider <bound method BlockrIOBroadcaster.broadcast_tx of <cert_issuer.blockchain_handlers.bitcoin.connectors.BlockrIOBroadcaster object at 0x7f216b811da0>>. Trying another. Exception=Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
ERROR - Error broadcasting the transaction through the BlockExplorer API. Error msg: transaction already in block chain. Code:-27
ERROR - Error broadcasting the transaction through the BlockExplorer API. Error msg: transaction already in block chain. Code:-27
WARNING - Caught exception trying provider <bound method BlockExplorerBroadcaster.broadcast_tx of <cert_issuer.blockchain_handlers.bitcoin.connectors.BlockExplorerBroadcaster object at 0x7f216b820198>>. Trying another. Exception=transaction already in block chain. Code:-27
WARNING - Caught exception trying provider <bound method BlockExplorerBroadcaster.broadcast_tx of <cert_issuer.blockchain_handlers.bitcoin.connectors.BlockExplorerBroadcaster object at 0x7f216b820198>>. Trying another. Exception=transaction already in block chain. Code:-27
WARNING - Broadcasting failed. Waiting before retrying. This is attempt number 0
WARNING - Broadcasting failed. Waiting before retrying. This is attempt number 0