Blockcerts wallet on Android does not add v3 certificates

Hello everyone

I’m from Chile and I’m currently working on a project that uses version 3 of Blockcerts. I’ve been using the Blockcerts wallet on Android, but I’ve run into a problem when trying to add certificates issued in this version. Despite the fact that certificates are generated and verified correctly on the Ethereum blockchain (mainnet and sepolia testnet), the wallet does not display them and throws the following error message:

Json and URL:

Here’s the JSON of the certificate I tried to register in the wallet:

    "@context": [
    "type": [
    "issuer": "",
    "issuanceDate": "2024-09-15T05:02:37Z",
    "id": "urn:uuid:ff57eb0a-5426-4982-9e8e-c765f135e54e",
    "nonce": "urn:uuid:786df1bf-d14d-490e-ae8c-db53d6ce4df8",
    "credentialSubject": {
        "id": "ecdsa-koblitz-pubkey:0x3A4Fe9b5718A3Fb6855Ff6063bd148CFFFC21908",
        "name": "Name",
        "email": ""
    "display": {
        "contentMediaType": "application/pdf",
        "contentEncoding": "base64",
        "content": "JVBERi0xL......"
    "proof": {
        "id": "urn:uuid:e3ff4eb0-3d20-4dd5-952f-4b7fb1bb4e7e",
        "type": "DataIntegrityProof",
        "cryptosuite": "merkle-proof-2019",
        "proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
        "created": "2024-09-15T02:17:17.950342",
        "proofValue": "znKD4YGVqA8textwMQ3cgVMHJ5XrdmKXVP8iHvfMLJppjKMbxMz23BjNkNzk4uoHkVprstVQuuwYUta8YvoyQuGR5iM9RjBXmK7xUXxRJCGZJTyZMz6oNsXVothZNRnP98EvDw86HuKM95tpioZTZBMdrZJ6hW6gAKvjAyncweohTY2uhaMXnqxQMWiuRJDknkVrS6YiKR2zc9AqDhwu41pba7kt1MS69K14c3zBzKeuzNNx486oYTtFbFszJ9QhNb2aFBXoP9Jrqf8V6junXbFsRqRTgU31d9BQjUkUyVA442CEHgyMkJwE1o5",
        "verificationMethod": null

Are there any solutions or settings I should review?

Could it be a problem related to the region?

I appreciate any guidance or advice you can give me.

Hi, how are you doing?

I have been experienced such issues in my last blockcerts project. In my case, I modified some codebase of Python blockcerts server. but I am not sure about your issues because I didn’t see your code base.
So I hope we resolve the issues together after inviting me to your project if possible.



This is my github repo for the project which is smiliar with yours.

The profiles are being worked perfectly, I think it could help you!


This is the video that is showing how the blockcerts works.

Hi there,

for all intent and purposes, Android wallet support for v3 is currently in internal testing tracks, and we haven’t yet found issues so it should move forward with a release soon.

Work for iOS is underway too, so while it should be release a bit after Android, it should likely be out by the end of year.

Hello, thank you very much for the clarification.

I checked this morning and it looks like Google approved the publishing, so the latest version in Android Play Store should be the one supporting v3 certs