Thesis: Blockchain technology to create, verify, view and issue blockchain-based credentials

Hi Blockcerts,

I’m doing a thesis about using blockchain technology to create, verify, view and issue blockchain-based credentials.
I was wondering if I could reach out to someone willing to awnser a couple of questions:

The questions are very basic but gives the reader of my thesis a clear view what Blockcerts is about:

1. What is Blockcerts?

2. What are the products/services Blockcerts supplies?

3.Why was blockchain technology chosen and not an other technology?

Thanks in advance!

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Please use the main Blockcerts website as a resource to answer any questions you have about your thesis. The guide will be particularly useful given the nature of your questions.


Hi @Sjimdemunck !
If you have something written, I can help you by reading it and give you a hand improving it :slight_smile: