Recovering Blockcerts for a New Device

A Blockcerts Wallet can store a recipient’s credentials on their smartphone (iOS or Android). If a phone is lost, stolen or simply replaced, a new Blockcerts Wallet can be added to the new device by following the steps below.

While there is no “account,” the Blockcerts Wallet is controlled by a private passphrase. The passphrase is a series of words generated during the initial account setup and can be found by tapping the Settings icon (a gear) at the top right corner.

Recipients with a Saved Passphrase:

  1. Confirm the Blockcerts Wallet app is downloaded to your new device.

  2. Enter the saved passphrase when prompted.

  3. Recipients can re-import credentials by tapping the Settings icon in the top right corner and tapping “Add Credential.”

  4. Select “Import from URL” if the recipient has the unique URL of the credential.

  5. Select “Import from File” if the recipient has the JSON file from the original email.

Recipients without a Saved Passphrase:

  1. The recipient will need a new invitation from your institution. Ask the recipient to confirm that they have completed the steps above before requesting an additional invitation.

  2. Once the invitation is delivered via email, instruct the recipient to use his or her device to open their email with their new mobile phone.

  3. After locating the Blockcerts invitation email, the recipient can tap the link in the email to add your institution as an issuer.

Sidenote: A Blockcerts Wallet is protected by the phone’s security settings (passcode or biometrics). So, even if a phone is lost, it is unlikely that it can be accessed. Further, since credentials are configured with a recipient’s details, they would be difficult to use by a person with different information. If this is a concern, recipients may contact the issuing organization and request the credentials be revoked and reissued to the new Blockcerts Wallet.