I am trying to create a single docker file where cert-tools and cert-issuer coexist.
Recently I made progress with cert-tools . I was able to create a docker image where cert-tools is installed and running.
Now I am trying to install cert-Issuer as well in this image.
Currently I am getting the following error-
ERROR: No matching distribution found for coincurve==7.1.0
Error Snapshot -
Complete Error Logs -
Can someone has similar issue or know how can I fix this?
Below is my docker file
In ethereum_requirements file coincurve is already mentioned,still issue is there.
Also I am using Ethereum Blockchain. So I think I need to do below change ,ie mention in the setup file for cert-issuer as
def initialize_options(self):
self.blockchain = ‘ethereum’ #make ethereum as default chain
Can someone help in this too?