Bitcoin lookup failing in Wallet Verification

The ‘Fetch Remote Hash’ substep of the ‘Format Validation’ step of Verification in the Blockcerts Wallet is hanging with the message:

“Could not confirm the transaction”

I’m pretty sure this is that the Bitcoin lookup service has crashed, and I think is likely what’s been recently fixed in the Github repos, e.g.,

Will this fix make it into an update to the Blockcerts Wallet in the iOS/Android stores? Or is there some other way to push this fix down to our students?

Many thanks,



Hi @jc.chartrand

Build has been published to the google play store earlier today (3.1.2) and should be made available within 12 hours if not already there.

As far as iOS goes, Apple takes longer for verifications, but it has been submitted and being tested internally through TestFlight. Hopefully within a week that will be published as well.

Thanks! Very much appreciate all that you put into this. James

Both apps are now released! Let me know if that doesn’t resolve the issue.

Excellent- thank you!