Trouble with ethereum using cert-issuer


I’ve setup a centos VM to issue certificates. I would like to use ethereum. When I run “cert-issuer -c conf.ini”, I get the following error messages:

[root@localhost cert-issuer]# cert-issuer -c conf.ini
WARNING - Your app is configured to skip the wifi check when the USB is plugged in. Read the documentation to ensure this is what you want, since this is less secure
INFO - This run will try to issue on the bitcoin_regtest chain
INFO - Set cost constants to recommended_tx_fee=0.000600,min_per_output=0.000028,satoshi_per_byte=250
INFO - Set cost constants to recommended_tx_fee=0.000600,min_per_output=0.000028,satoshi_per_byte=250
INFO - Processing 2 certificates
INFO - Processing 2 certificates
INFO - Processing 2 certificates under work path=/root/blockcert/cert-issuer/data/work
INFO - Processing 2 certificates under work path=/root/blockcert/cert-issuer/data/work
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/bin/cert-issuer”, line 11, in
load_entry_point(‘cert-issuer==2.0.11’, ‘console_scripts’, ‘cert-issuer’)()
File “/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cert_issuer/”, line 17, in cert_issuer_main
File “/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cert_issuer/”, line 52, in main
return issue(app_config, certificate_batch_handler, transaction_handler)
File “/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cert_issuer/”, line 30, in issue
File “/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cert_issuer/bitcoin/”, line 42, in ensure_balance
balance = self.connector.get_balance(self.issuing_address)
File “/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cert_issuer/bitcoin/”, line 166, in get_balance
spendables = self.get_unspent_outputs(address)
File “/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cert_issuer/bitcoin/”, line 155, in get_unspent_outputs
spendables = self.spendables_for_address(bitcoin_address=address)
File “/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cert_issuer/bitcoin/”, line 138, in spendables_for_address
get_providers_for_chain(self.bitcoin_chain, self.bitcoind)):
File “/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cert_issuer/bitcoin/”, line 254, in get_providers_for_chain
return connectors[chain]
KeyError: <Chain.bitcoin_regtest: 2>

It seems that cert-issuer is trying to run the bitcoin code, and not the ethereum code. This is in my conf.ini.

issuing_address = 0x668...

blockchain = ethereum_ropsten


# put your unsigned certificates here for signing. Default is <project-base>/data/unsigned_certificates
# final blockchain certificates output. Default is <project-base>/data/unsigned_certificates
# where to store intermediate files, for debugging and checkpointing. Default is <project-base>/data/work


I did run, and it didn’t produce any errors. I’m at a lose at why the cert-issuer is trying to run the bitcoin code, and not the ethereum code.




I got past this error by changing “blockchain” to “chain” in my conf.ini.

Now I’m getting Invalid Key format for my private key file. I created the key file using the myetherwallet extension in chrome. What format does the private key json file need to be?



I got past this error too. Just needed to put the private key in plain text.

Hi Rjaiswal,
I’ve installed a Geth node on my Ubuntu machine and now trying to obtain the private key, in plain text, of my Ethereum Account.
Could you give me some hints to obtain it?
Thank you in advance.