I try to make PHP based cert viewer. Complete process looks relatively straight forward for me but I have some problems.
I have issued about 300 certificates and want to integrate cert viewer inside our main site (PHP…).
I have next proof inside certificate:
“merkleRoot”: “08766125c69d4f2db3acd7f4b61dc6b3292df67ecb0385c95ed82ff23c370516”, “targetHash”: “7a1e3190d7498633c114007ded98a3e89274c4be054d291e797f0f50293eb502”, “proof”: [{“right”: “68bc8902af009c5607206a93ed28a21f61817fc797ede22d11c357f6abdd2fa7”}, {“right”: “bc7426ea82d9cef9d63eb8b53c96078edd5e2f8a37614cef2eca58039c597f8e”}, {“right”: “1254ad33f870de765c3147ade5055684aff4d170bb8704f32d0c4809b842bd6f”}, {“right”: “2e1d5907db706ae3a1f9243f13cd76f77ac41939a4b9e0ce1cc2b22985ebc376”}]
It works fine at standard cert viewer.
The fist problem is next:
I try to compare calculated merkle root with signed merkleRoot (I have four right side hashes p1, p2, p3, p4 in proof). Calculation is next:
H4 should be identical with signed merkleRoot but it’s not ;(.
hash function is standard PHP sha256 based (checked in other language with same result - so hash fuction is not a problem).
It looks like I did something wrong in my logic?!
The second problem is with hash of canonical JSON. I use php-json-ld project from github (https://github.com/digitalbazaar/php-json-ld) but again hash of canonized JSON file does not much signed target hash.
PHP code is here:
//remove signatrue from JSON file
$normalized = jsonld_normalize($certJSON,array(‘algorithm’ => ‘URDNA2015’,‘format’ => ‘application/nquads’));
Please, if you have any suggestion what I make wrong with my logic