How to insert an image in the Displayhtml function?

Hi everyone!
Im using sandoche repository ( to tryout the visualization feature of blockcerts, so far ive used his examples and managed to make an html copy of the certificate, but im having a hard time with pasting and image, Does anyone know? I dont know if I need to store the image localy in my device, in the JSON or in a web service.
I uploaded the image to and coded
< img src=“url” alt=“certificate_image”/>
But when I try to create a Template using this config, I get an error.
Thanks again for all the help!

Hi, inserting the image data directly in the JSON works well.

<img src="data:image/png;base64...

I’ll try to do that! When I try to use the “create template” function, it gave me an error.
If I succed I’ll post an Image :slight_smile:
Thank you for the help!

which JSON @GuillaumeDuveau?

The unsigned certificate json or the test.json