Error with cert issuer - ethereum

I got below error while running the cert issuer with ethereum ropsten. Any help please?

(venv) venky:~/workspace (master) $ sudo cert-issuer -c conf.ini
WARNING - Your app is configured to skip the wifi check when the USB is plugged in. Read the documentation to ensure this is what you want, since this is less secure
INFO - This run will try to issue on the ethereum_ropsten chain
INFO - Set cost constants to recommended_gas_price=20000000000.000000, recommended_gas_limit=25000.000000
INFO - Set cost constants to recommended_gas_price=20000000000.000000, recommended_gas_limit=25000.000000
INFO - Processing 0 certificates
INFO - Processing 0 certificates
INFO - Balance check succeeded: {‘result’: ‘1000000000000000000’, ‘status’: ‘1’, ‘message’: ‘OK’}
INFO - Balance check succeeded: {‘result’: ‘1000000000000000000’, ‘status’: ‘1’, ‘message’: ‘OK’}
INFO - Total cost will be 500000000000000 wei
INFO - Total cost will be 500000000000000 wei
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/ubuntu/workspace/venv/bin/cert-issuer”, line 11, in
load_entry_point(‘cert-issuer==2.0.15’, ‘console_scripts’, ‘cert-issuer’)()
File “/home/ubuntu/workspace/venv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/cert_issuer-2.0.15-py3.5.egg/cert_issuer/”, line 17, in cert_issuer_main
File “/home/ubuntu/workspace/venv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/cert_issuer-2.0.15-py3.5.egg/cert_issuer/”, line 36, in main
return issue(app_config, certificate_batch_handler, transaction_handler)
File “/home/ubuntu/workspace/venv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/cert_issuer-2.0.15-py3.5.egg/cert_issuer/”, line 22, in issue
tx_id = issuer.issue(app_config.chain)
File “/home/ubuntu/workspace/venv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/cert_issuer-2.0.15-py3.5.egg/cert_issuer/”, line 23, in issue
blockchain_bytes = self.certificate_batch_handler.prepare_batch()
File “/home/ubuntu/workspace/venv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/cert_issuer-2.0.15-py3.5.egg/cert_issuer/”, line 97, in prepare_batch
for _, metadata in self.certificates_to_issue.items():
AttributeError: ‘CertificateBatchHandler’ object has no attribute 'certificates_to_issue’

I don’t have much experience running it locally, but have you ran python experimental --blockchain=ethereum before sudo cert-issuer -c conf.ini ?

I had the same problem. Please be sure you have files in the unsigned_certificates_dir folder. That was the reason for me.