Feel free to answer on Bitcoin Stack Exchange: blockcerts - Does it Cost Money to Issue Digital Certificates on the Bitcoin Blockchain? - Bitcoin Stack Exchange
I’m reading through this Github Repo from Blockcerts.org on how to issue digital certificates on the bitcoin blockchain.
What is confusing me is whether or not each issuing each digital certificate in this manner costs money.
On one hand, I’ve read through the high-level Blockcerts documentation and blogs and haven’t seen any reference to financial costs to issuing certificates on the bitcoin blockchain.
On the other hand, in the cert-issuer
repo it notes in the “Transaction Structure” of “How Batch Issuing Works”, the issuer needs a minimal amount of Bitcoin to create the transaction. At the very least, this is a fixed cost.
Additionally, in the documentation (issuing.md
) we see:
Ensure you’ve transfered a small amount of coin to your issuing
address. Note that each certificate costs 12750 satoshi
Make sure you have enough BTC in your issuing address. ($0.08 USD)
So, it sounds like each certificate costs about $0.30 to issue? Just want to make sure I understand correctly.
(Please note, I am totally new to blockchain, so apologies if this is a dumb/obvious question).