Wallet Verification Ethereum Testnet Error

Hello, when I create my signed certificate with the cert-issuer tool and import it into my wallet, after clicking on the verify option, it returns this:

What does this means. Please, help.

the error is thrown from here: cert-verifier-js/ensureValidIssuingKey.ts at master · blockchain-certificates/cert-verifier-js · GitHub

I’ll let you inspect your data against the use cases and hopefully you can figure it out. It should be quite straightforward.

Thank you for your reply! :smiley: I try in https://www.blockcerts.org/ and returns this:

This is why i don´t understand :pensive:

Can you share the certificate?

Also, what browser do you use? That display is all over the place.

Hi, of course. This is my certificate:
“id”: “urn:uuid:b16de97f-d299-4b30-9437-bb34105c870f”,
“type”: “Assertion”,
“badge”: {
“id”: “urn:uuid:82a4c9f2-3588-457b-80ea-da695571b8fc”,
“name”: “Certificate of Accomplishment”,
“type”: “BadgeClass”,
“issuer”: {
“id”: “https://api.npoint.io/c8fb5e45050b173b4818”,
“url”: “https://xpertopolis.com”,
“name”: “Xpertopolis”,
“type”: “Profile”,
“email”: “contact@issuer.org”,
“revocationList”: “https://api.npoint.io/9cc82b14fd88f4913823
“criteria”: {
“narrative”: “Nibh iriure ei nam, modo ridens neglegentur mel eu. At his cibo mucius.”
“description”: “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mei docendi concludaturque ad, cu nec partem graece. Est aperiam consetetur cu, expetenda moderatius neglegentur ei nam, suas dolor laudem eam an.”,
“signatureLines”: [
“name”: “Your signature”,
“type”: [
“jobTitle”: “University Issuer”
@context”: [
“displayHtml”: {
@id”: “schema:description”
“issuedOn”: “2022-07-12T14:11:26Z”,
“recipient”: {
“type”: “email”,
“hashed”: false,
“identity”: “mymail@gmail.com
“signature”: {
“type”: [
“proof”: ,
“anchors”: [
“type”: “ETHData”,
“chain”: “ethereumRopsten”,
“sourceId”: “0xc704276626d42cef745602977b4eab71a9b6c45e32709205c9d465ea2fd535e0”
“merkleRoot”: “6995e50161578e1e8d04b6a290bc38a04ab9bebc4dd8304a4934680da583a972”,
“targetHash”: “6995e50161578e1e8d04b6a290bc38a04ab9bebc4dd8304a4934680da583a972”
“displayHtml”: “\u003ch1\u003eHello World\u003c/h1\u003e”,
“verification”: {
“type”: [
“publicKey”: “0xfFf65dd956FBa24B3087a5321042937704990cc8”
“recipientProfile”: {
“name”: “Mary Tellez”,
“type”: [
“publicKey”: “ecdsa-koblitz-pubkey:16aYaTaXMeCX6KGwZS2FzdN4pPF1zZJBMJ”

I’m using mozilla firefox. Thanks.